Birthday Wrapup

I am drowning in photos and videos from this weekend, with several able photographers supplying me with their shots, but I am too tired right now to upload and post. I will do so over the course of the week…

… but I can say that the birthday party was a big success! 27 kids, most of whom stayed without parents, and very little chaos or tears. The Mad Scientist was a huge hit – the kids were enthralled the whole time. M&A got to be the "volunteers" over and over and I think they felt very special. All of the kids got along well and were interactive and participated nicely. There was some time to kill in between the science and the cake serving, so we played some rounds of charades and Simon Says.

The weather held – YAY – so we were able to have cake outside. The 2 cakes were also popular, as was the "backup" Costco chocolate cake. Lots and lots of cake.

My god, the presents. Lots and LOTS of great stuff.

The weekend was also fun – today we celebrated Mother's Day with a dim sum brunch with Ron and Dina, Darrah and Jason, Buppie and Tequila. We also had a nice dinner tonight with Buppie and Tequila.

I got lovely Mother's Day cards from Daddy and the girls and Dina, including some really cute drawings by the girls that I will scan and post tomorrow. I also got a gorgeous necklace from Daddy that matches the necklaces he got for the girls.

Thanks to the NY crew for making the trip down for the party – Ron and Dina, Darrah and Jason, and Tuvana and Aliya.

There's more from the weekend – gymnastics, swimming, Lafayette Fair… on and on.

Great weekend. Photos to come.


Rachel.weiswasser says:

Did you use mad sciece, cause for
My birthday I used him.

Rachel – YES! It is because of you that I knew about Mad Science! I remember your birthday party.

a says:

Congratulations on a wonderful birthday party for M and A with 27 kids! Amazing how well everything turned out. You get credit for being well prepared. Mommy and Daddy you both deserve the utmost credit for doing a GREAT job at this very busy time.
Aunt Ann

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