Birthday Post No. 2

The girls had a lovely birthday celebration tonight. I am too tired to post photos and videos, but there are lots of good ones and I will post them over the next few days. We had a delicious dinner of spaghetti sauce made by Buppie, and then cupcakes after dinner for the girls. The girls also opened presents, and this is what they got:

Fancy nutcrackers (Chinese and Russian) from Buppie

Ballerina dolls from Buppie

Bracelets with the girls' initials from Melissa B.

Nightgown and dresses from Imogene, which they wore to school today

Emerald and diamond necklaces from Daddy from Thailand – very fancy!

Leotards with ballet skirts that are too small and need to go back to Tarzhay

3 nightgowns

Books of their artwork which are very cool

Cards from Aunt Deb and family, and Great-grandma Gussie

They also got calls from Aunt Darrah and Uncle Jason (which made the girls laugh because anything Jason does makes them laugh) and Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron, as well as this message from Emily:

Hi Gayle-

Could you possibly pass this message along to my favorite five year olds for me:

Love, Emily

Not a bad birthday! Tomorrow Daddy is Shabbat Parent – he's bringing cupcakes and reading Morris the Moose - and then it's their party on Saturday! We can't wait. Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron arrive tomorrow night, and Darrah and Jason come on Saturday.

More soon.

1 comment

a says:

Wow, the birthday girls got some great gifts. Five is a very special and wonderful year, and many new things (regular school, etc.) will start for them. Give M and A my special love and tell them I am very proud of them and love them a lot.
Love and hugs and kisses,
Aunt Ann

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