Birthday Post No. 1

I am sure that I will post tonight about the girls' birthday, hopefully with some pictures.

But first, I have to devote a blog post to my AMAZING niece, Sarah. She is the sweetest person, and so thoughtful and mature.

She sent this note to me this morning to read to M&A:

Dearest Maddie and Alexa,
I just got out of Math class, and was just counting the seconds until recess so that I could say:
I can not believe that you are already 5. I remember the day you were born like yesterday! I was reading to Rachel’s class at NCRC (that is the pre-school your mom went to) and found out that you two were born. I was so excited and had to see you right away. You both have gotten to become the smartest, coolest, most beautiful 5 year old twins in the whole wide world. So just know that even though I can’t be there to celebrate this important day with you, I am thinking about you every second of the day, and love you both to pieces!!!!!!!! So have some cake, some candy, chat with your friends, and just make sure that you have fun ALL DAY LONG, because today is your BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
Love you!

P.S- This is a video of me saying happy birthday to you…. (I am in the library at my school) and the next video is my friend Caroline and Katherine… Love ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here are the two videos she sent:

Isn't she the best? I can't wait to read the note to the girls and show them the videos tonight. I just wish we lived closer to Sarah and Rachel. We miss them a lot. 🙁


Rachel says:

Hey aunt gayle! it’s ray. isn’t sarah the sweetest? i’m so sorry i didn’t make something like that, but tell the girls HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU…. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU…… HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MADDY AND ALEXA…. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!

Kristen says:

Hope you girls had a great day today!
Wonton says Happy Birthday M&A!
Kristen & Wonton

TLB says:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY M & A!!!!! What great videos and a great note -!!

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