Random Pics And Birthday Prep

Today is May 6 – one day before the big birthday here at our house. The girls are very excited. Tonight, we put together the goody bags for their party. They are simple and consist of their birthday CD (Vol. 4) and a bunch of candy. Here’s a bad picture of what one of them looks like (the candy is behind the CD):


Weather is forecasting rain for Saturday, which will make the birthday party… challenging.

Here also are some picures of the face paint from the birthday party on Saturday. A got paint on her face, M on her arm:

Facepaint1 Facepaint2 Facepaint3

Presents are wrapped, memory card on camera has been emptied… we’re ready.

So are the girls – check out these videos:

1 comment

a says:

Thank you for the great videos. Dan and the girls look wonderful, and the answers to your questions are adorable. You did a fantrastic job.
Aunt Ann

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