Weekend Report

Oh my god, I do not remember being this tired for a long time. Busy weekend, bad night of sleep, end of the auction… I am beat.

The girls had an excellent weekend,I think. Yesterday was gymnastics and then they went with me to the school to help set up for the auction. We stayed there for 3 hours – very impressive stamina on their part. They were especially excited when their teacher Alyssa showed up. Then we came home and Daddy taught them how to play checkers. I left for a walk for an hour and when I came back, they were still playing the same game of checkers.

Last night was the TSNS auction. We came home with lots of goodies for the girls, including some new games and books. They were very interested in the auction: how does it work, how did we "win" items? I still don't think they get it at all.

Today, we went to a birthday party for Abigail at the Avalon. We watched "The Tale of Despereaux," which was a bit too scary (shocker!) for the girls. They did make it throught the whole movie, though.  Then we went for their second swim lesson at the gym. There was a small issue at the end when A wouldn't get out of the hot tub. It was not like her, but she wouldn't get out and she wouldn't listen to me. Not good. Otherwise she was very sweet all weekend.

Buppie came over for dinner tonight. We were very happy to see her.

Here is one of the games we got at the auction. The girls – especially M – have really mastered it:


1 comment

ann says:

Mommy, I hope you finally got some well-deserved rest. You do so much with and for the girls, and you also work. You are amazing. M and A are so lucky to be getting swimming lessons on top of everything else. Someday M and A will be able to appreciate all you and daddy are doing for them.
Aunt Ann

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