Unwacky Wednesday Yesterday

I am looking forward to spending a lot of time with the girls tomorrow. I will take them to school, then hang out there to help set up the auction and meet with M's speech therapist, then take them to soccer, and then to haircuts in the late afternoon. Should be a nice Friday.

Tonight we played with some of those balloons that you pump up with air and then let fly all over the house. The girls love them, though they want to plug their ears when the balloons hiss and spin all over. Sometimes M asks A to plug M's ears – so cute.

I was also excited because when I got home from work, the girls had brought downstairs the rug we gave them for Hanukah last year with roads, etc. on it, as well as all the little matchbox cars. They played with them for a while – so cute.

Tonight, I was talking to Imogene and said "GM" at one point. A said, "GM! I know what that spells! It spells 'NO'." Ugh. Let's hope not!

We are still having trouble with the girls not eating… sitting at the table and dawdling and playing with their food. A especially. It is really hard in the morning when we are trying to get them out the door to school!

Yesterday was Wacky Wednesday. The class was supposed to dress up silly – backwards clothes, silly outfits, etc. M & A decided that they didn't want to dress up and look silly. So they didn't. They were the only ones who didn't dress up! But they enjoyed whats other people were wearing.

1 comment

ann says:

How wonderful that M and A enjoy being home and love being with their mommy. And mommy enjoys them too. What a happy home.
Aunt Ann

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