A Sweet Weekend

 What a weekend!!!!

I think the best way to talk about what happened this weekend is to list the incredible amounts of sweets the girls ate over the last 48 hours.

Saturday – at the adorable birthday tea party for Lily at Mrs. B's in Bethesda, they ate: cream puffs, hot chocolate, choclate brownies, and a large slice each of birthday cake. This was in addition to the banana bread they ate in the morning. Last night, we had a babysitter and I know that she gave them some treats too.

Today – banana bread for breakfast. This afternoon, we went to a Nats game, where the girls had: cotton candy, cracker jacks, and ice cream. Oh, they also licked the beaters this morning when I made some cake. THEN we had dinner at Addie's house, and Peyton made a chocolate cake and served madeleines for me since I can't eat chocolate. Needless to say, more sweets for the girls. And that's not even it – when we got home, I frosted a cake that I am practicing making for the girls' birthday party, and the girls had some frosting and treats off of THAT cake.

Wow – that's a lot of sugar.

In other news, the girls had a swimming lesson today. They were so excited for the lesson that they woke up almost an hour early and couldn't go back to sleep. It went very well.

Today M said, "Here is a joke, Mommy." (Me: "Let's hear it.") M: "The monkey had a diaper rash!" (Uproarious laughter from the back seat.)

I told A today I loved being her mom, and she said, "I love being your kid."

Here are some pics from the weekend.

The tea party, which was the cutest birthday party I've ever been to:

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And here is a photo of the tea party the girls had at home later that afternoon. I love the matching white leotards leftover from gymnastics yesterday morning.


And here is a pic of the girls meeting Screech, the Nats' mascot, at Nationals Park today:


And here are the cakes I am trying to make. Let's just say the castle cake I made tonight looks a lot different than this photo:

Castlecake Dinocake

1 comment

Ann Brooks says:

I love the photos of M and A at the party and later at home. Little by little I will try to write about your wonderful blogs. They make me so happy. Thank you for all of them.
Aunt Ann

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