Doggie Tooth Fairy

Poor Allie had to have three teeth pulled today. She is not a happy dog right now. When I got home from the vet, A said, "I don't think it feels good to have teeth pulled. I think it is much better to have the tooth fairy come and take your teeth."

The vet gave us Allie's teeth, and Daddy and I are wondering if we should leave them under Allie's dog bed to see if the Doggie Tooth Fairy comes.

I picked up the girls' registration forms for Kindergarten today. (!) Hard to believe they are already ready for Kindergarten.

Excellent ballet class today. For much of it, the only kids were M&A and their friends Molly & Eve. A's cartwheels are coming along, and both girls were very involved today.

A's mind is in overdrive tonight – lots of imagining and ideas and talking and questions.

Back to school tomorrow – again – for two days this time.

1 comment

Len says:

Does the Doggie Tooth Fairy bring peanut butter for teeth, or would Allie prefer a medium rare fliet?

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