Weekend Recap

We had a very busy weekend! Yesterday after gymnastics, the girls came with me to a used book sale, where we found some treasures for them and for me. They are definitely not into the used book sale scene yet – but just give me time. Then we saw a very cute play, "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie". It's based on the book. Very clever set and lots of funny moments. They seemed to enjoy it a lot.

Afterwards, they were so tired that they fell asleep on the couch for almost an hour, which is very unlike them. But they had a nice nap, and woke up and then helped me go through their bookshelves to make room for the new (used) books and put away the ones they've outgrown. We also incorporated in a number of books we inherited from Sarah and Rachel. Imogene babysat last night so that Daddy and I could go out to dinner.

Today, the girls went with Daddy and Frank and Addie to brunch at the diner and then the playground. Afterwards, I took them on some errands in Rockville – shopping for summer clothes for them, and to the crafts store. We got more of the Perler beads that M loves very much, and she's already made a new flower design out of them. A has been playing with a little palace that we bought from Anna and Marta, the cute twins around the corner, who had a yard sale today. M wants to  bring the flower for Show, Tell and Share tomorrow and A wants to bring the palace. It's very big, but that's what she wants to bring! It was so cute seeing her carry it home from around the corner. She was very excited.

Girls were delightful this weekend and lots of fun to be with, as always (though M was very tired yesterday due to going to sleep late on Friday night and she was definitely dragging a little bit).

It's late so I am signing off!

1 comment

Next time you are shopping in Rockville call me and I’ll come meet up with you. 🙂

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