A Post About Nothing

This rarely happens, but I don't have much to post about tonight. Last night, I taught a graduate class and didn't see the girls until kind of late. Today was a typical Thursday – took the girls to school and saw them after work. M is doing an excellent job with her piano playing – she's reading notes and playing very well. A doesn't practice at all, but she has a very good ear and can play melodies without looking at the lesson book. Buppie has been very diligent about giving M lessons every week, though A usually passes.

Daddy worked with the girls on reading tonight – M read four of the Bob Books tonight, which are meant for very early readers. Daddy has much more patience with teaching reading than I do. And Buppie has more patience for teaching piano than I do.

Tomorrow we are taking M back to the E-N-T doctor to talk about what to do about her enlarged adenoids and tonsils.

Sorry for the boring post!