Parvovirus, Day 2

First - apparently not everyone got Feedblitz notification of yesterday's post about M's parvovirus. If you missed it – and it was a long one – then click here to read it.

And now on to today. M stayed home today because of the parvovirus, even though I think she is feeling fine and isn't contagious anymore. A went to school, even though she is more likely to be the contagious one, and has a runny nose. Go figure. Their teacher called tonight and said that A did very nicely today. She said it was nice to see A without M, because it forced her to be more independent. She also said that they have been trying to separate M & A of late, and that M has really "blossomed socially". A played with the boys a lot today, and also with Sydney.

Tomorrow – anyone's guess. If M's rash is better, she'll go to school. If A's cold is worse, she won't.

Imogene said they played at home all day – coloring and crafts and "lots of TV". Buppie also came over and gave M a piano lesson this morning. Tonight we played lots of "I Spy" on the computer – they are both getting good at the touchpad.

Finally – last week I blogged about the porcelain dolls we had gotten in the mail from another blogger who is cluttercasting things that she doesn't want anymore. In return, she asked for a picture of the dolls in their new home. I sent her a photo and she posted it on her blog over the weekend. It's so funny to see a photo of the girls on someone else's blog. Here is the pic:
