
M has parvovirus. This is a pretty benign virus that produces a lacy rash all over her body. I took her to the doctor today who said it was such a textbook case that she wished she had a student there to show it to. She has to stay home from school tomorrow, as it's quite contagious, although she's had the rash a few days now and probably isn't contagious anymore. A is in the clear, so far, thank god.

I took M to the doctor this afternoon, and she was extremely entertaining on the way there. Some things she said:

"I hate dust. It makes people sick. Sorry for getting dust in your car!"

"Stupid light."

"At school Andrew hit me with a lizard in my eye. He got it at Target."

"Sydney hit Vivian in the back at school and had to go to the book corner."

"I found three boogers in my nose." (Me: "Where did you put them?") "I don't know."

At the doctor's office, she missed A so much that we called A on Imogene's cell phone so they could talk. It was so cute. I also gave her some crayons to draw on the examining table paper. She was worried that the doctor would be mad, and wouldn't do it. When the doctor came in, she told me to ask the doctor if she was mad or not. (Of course she wasn't.). When we left, she took a sticker for A as well as for herself. Then, as we were leaving the parking lot, the attendant gave her a pen. She said, "I have a sister – can I have one for her too?" So cute.

Here are some funny things that A said recently too. Yesterday, I got my nails done, the same white polish I always get. A said, "You always get that color. Is that happens when you're an adult? You have to get the same color white all the time?" Then this morning, she picked out shoes for me to wear today. She said, "All of your shoes are black. Why? Do I have to have only black shoes when I am a grownup?"

Here is a picture Daddy took of the girls at the playground on Saturday:


We read a book tonight about a fairy who grants three wishes to a little girl. I asked the girls what they would wish for if they could. M said she wished she could marry Baby and Blankie. A said she wished she could talk to the Tooth Fairy and that her animals on her bed would come to life.

1 comment

TLB says:

What a great post! Between the lost boogers, the extra pen for A. and the spot-on assessment of what it means to be an adult (all black shoes!?) – I loved these snapshots of your day

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