Weekend Recap

We had a very busy and exhausting weekend, which is why I haven't posted in a few days. Daddy returned on Friday – yay! He's back! We were all happy to see him.

Saturday I volunteered at the Mont. Co. Parents of Multiples Sale, which meant I got to go to volunteer shopping. The best treasures I brought home were a practice ballet barre, and a Melissa and Doug dress-up wooden doll set. I also got the girls some clothes and some matching ballet bags for carrying tutus, etc. – very cute. While I was off volunteering (had to be there at 7!), Daddy took the girls to gymnastics. Last night, we had a babysitter (Sara) and went out to dinner with friends at a new (to us) restaurant.

Today was hectic too. Birthday party for Molly & Eve at Jonah's Treehouse, errands, playground. The girls said some very entertaining things today that I have of course forgotten. Wait – here's one. I must have said to Daddy, "It's not the end of the world," and M said, "When IS the end of the world going to be?"

The girls have discovered American Idol. A likes to say, "Let's see what Simon thinks."

Here are some more photos from Special Visitors Day:


And here are some pics from the circus with Grampy on Thursday night:

Circus1  Circus2  Circus3

1 comment

Ann Brooks says:

This is a wonderful blog. The photos are just beautiful. M and A are so lovely. They have such precious smiles. Glad to know that Daddy is home again.
Aunt Ann

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