
Girls had a busy Friday today. School, then Shabbat Sing, and then a spaghetti lunch at school. After school, one of their classmates came over for a playdate. He's a sweet kid. They played a few board games (Snail Pace Race, Candy Land), had a snack (yogurt), and played in the basement. It was cute hearing the girls explain the rules to Candy Land (which of course he has at home and has played before). Then late this afternoon, I took the girls for haircuts and then "China food" dinner. We all got haircuts, and we all needed them badly. Here are some photos of us after haircuts.

Haircut1  Haircut2 

I usually let the girls have a cookie after they get their haircut (there's a little waiting area that always has sandwich cookies). Tonight I told them they couldn't eat their cookies until after dinner. A fussed and carried on and bargained with me for so long that I finally relented – she could eat the cookie before dinner if she PROMISED to eat her dinner. She promised. And ate her cookie. And did she eat a good dinner? Enh.

I'm a sucker.


Anonymous says:

All of you certainly had a full day. All of you look beautiful with the new haircuts, but all of you were beautiful even before the haircuts. Thanks for the darling photos.
Aunt Ann

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