The girls told me some knock-knock jokes this morning. Here they are:
A: "Knock-knock."
Me: "Who's there?"
A: "Mommy."
Me: "Mommy who?"
A: "You're the best mommy in the world."
And this one…
A: "Knock-knock."
Me: "Who's there?"
A: "Kiss."
Me: "Kiss who?"
A: "I am going to come over and give you a kiss."
Then M wanted in on the action.
M: "Knock-knock."
Me: "Who's there?"
M: "Hug."
Me: "Hug who?"
M: "I want to come over and give you a hug."
Best jokes I've ever heard.
Those girls are sooooo cute! I would love to have one of those “knock knock” hugs and kisses.
Aunt Ann
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