Notes From The Teachers

We got notes about the girls at their conferences on Friday. Here's what they said:

"A comes down the hall cheerfully, ready to start her day in the room. She really responds well to the classroom routine. She likes the structure of our day and really takes pride in doing her jobs when she has them. A knows the morning routing and comes in, hangs up her bag and jacket. A really enjoys contributing to our group discussions at circle time. A enjoys moving through the classroom, and likes to help build intricate structures with her friends in the block area, and with the trains.  She also enjoys reading books in the book corner and doing projects at the writing table. A is comfortable playing with both the boys and the girls in the classroom. A uses the room wisely and explores the different centers in our classroom. It is a pleasure watching A enjoy all the areas of the room."

"We have enjoyed getting to know M this year in the class. M has really blossomed. We see her being more independent and very comfortable with our classroom routine, coming in and hanging up her bag and coat independently. She comes in with her big smile and says good morning to her teachers and friends. She is a warm-hearted, sensitive and friendly girl. She is eager to jump right in and play with her friends and she easily transitions from one activity to the next. She seems to enjoy the structure of ou day and really takes pride in doing her jobs when she has them.  Sometimes M can be found on the carpet with a group of friends, working on puzzles or manipulatives or creating shapes and structures with magnetiles. Other times, she can be found in the book corner, quietly enjoying a book with a friend. M likes to play in the dramatic play area with her friends. They dress up as princesses or community helpers and develop elaborate play schemes together. M plays happily outside on the playground with her friends. We look forward to a wonderful year with M."

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