Chevy Volt Post

 This is for you TMGers reading the blog: Tonight, we were watching "Wheel of Fortune", as we do every night. As usual, I fast forwarded through the commercials. I went through a few groups of commercials, including one with a Chevy ad in it. After "Wheel "was back on, M said, "Mommy? You know the car in that commercial? It can go 25 miles without using a drop of gas." I KID YOU NOT. I said, "M, how did you know that? Did I tell you that? Did Daddy? Buppie?" No – she had just seen the ad before and picked up on the Volt tagline. (Of course, it's 40 miles.)

So that's one piece of good GM news today.

When I got home, I discovered that the girls had enlarged the boat they made on the first floor. They brought down every animal from their beds, a bunch more books, some headbands, and all of the pillows from the couches. It took me 45 minutes to clean it up. Here are some photos:

IMG_2271  IMG_2274  


Dina says:

That’s one impressive boat!
Ron and Dina

Anonymous says:

Have M and A told you where they are going in their boats? They have such great imaginations. Thanks for the photos.
Aunt Ann

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