Crisis Communications = Boring

The girls drew some very beautiful photos that I want to share on here. The first is by M and it’s a picture of me, Mommy, when M was in my tummy. Here it is:


The second one is by A, and it’s of our family – Daddy, Mommy, A, M and Allie. Note Allie’s pointy ears!


Tonight, the girls asked me if Grampy is a teacher. I said no, he is a lawyer. I said that Daddy is also a lawyer, and that mommy used to be a lawyer but isn’t anymore. They asked me what I do now. I tried to explain crisis communications to them. "Well, Mommy works for companies. Sometimes companies get in trouble, and people think they are bad companies, but I help them tell everyone why they are actually good companies." They looked at me for a bit, and then A said, "Boring!"

Thank you to Buppie for coming over tonight to bridge the after-work gap.


Anonymous says:

Hilarious post. Kids are so blunt…

Anonymous says:

It looks like we have blossoming artists in the family. The photos are so cute. Thanks for sharing this blog.

Lisa says:

Great pictures – and even better insight from A. : )

Nancy West says:

Funny — your wording reminded me of a time when Tim used very similar phrasing. My parents are both prison volunteers, and when Tim was about the age of M&A, he told his Sunday school teacher that “Grandma and Grandpa go to prison to teach bad guys how to be nice.” True enough, but I was amused by the mental image of my parents demonstrating niceness the way you might demonstrate, say, knitting or the macarena: “You do this, and then you go like this, and then…”

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