More Puzzles!

A has severe separation anxiety. If she can’t see me for one moment, or doesn’t know where I am, she freaks out. Tonight, I did some grilling in the backyard. I told M & A over and over again that I needed to go outside to put food on the grill, turn it, etc. Before I went out, A asked me over and over how long I’d be out. When I did go, she started screaming and sobbing because she couldn’t see me. (I was about 3 feet from the house). She got very, very upset and it took a long time to calm her down. This happens frequently with her – she always needs to know where I am and likes to have me in her sights at all time.

Tomorrow night we are going to our first Nats game! I told the girls that we are going to a baseball game, and M said, "YAY! A baseball game! [pause] What’s a baseball game??"

In other news, The Great Zucchini came to camp this morning.  (If you don’t know who The Great Zucchini is, click here.) The girls had a lot of fun and said that he was very silly. They can’t even describe the things he did without cracking up.

I just asked M which books they read with Daddy tonight. She said, "If You Give A Pig A Hot Dog". I asked if she was sure that’s what it was called. I told her that that didn’t make sense, because hot dogs are made of pigs. She said, "Oh yeah, it’s called If You Give A Pig A Pancake. But that’s not true about hot dogs, Mommy! You made that up!"

Tonight I brought up four more puzzles from the basement. The girls have already done three of them, after having just done the five I featured in yesterday’s post.

Here are the "new" puzzles:

Puzzle8 Puzzle6 Puzzle7

1 comment

Anonymous says:

It takes a world of patience, but in time A will get over her separation anxiety. She just loves you so much and feels “safe and secure” when you are there. M and A are expert puzzle-solvers. They are so clever.
Aunt Ann

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