Puzzle Fever

M & A LOVE to do jigsaw puzzles. Lately, they have been spreading 4 or 5 puzzles across the living room floor and doing them over and over and over again. I try to introduce new puzzles from the basement every few days, but they like doing the same ones over and over. And they are very good at them.

I clean up the puzzles and put them in their boxes and the next time I turn around, the pieces are spread out on the floor and the girls are putting them together again.

Here are some of the puzzles they’ve been doing:

Puzzle1 Puzzle2

Puzzle5 Puzzle3 Puzzle4

1 comment

Anonymous says:

M and A are really special. Not many children their age can do such advanced puzzles. They’ve got it all: beauty, intelligence, personality, talent, etc. I’m so proud of them.
Aunt Ann

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