Happy Fourth of July

We had a slightly rainy Fourth of July here in DC today. Unfortunately our desktop computer is messed up and I can’t upload any photos from today. I will when the computer’s up and running again.

We started out the day at the Palisades Fourth of July parade. We saw the mayor, fire trucks, police cars, bagpipers, horses, Bolivian dancers, marching bands, old cars, and lots of kids. The girls got lots of candy too.

After the parade I took the girls to Silver Spring, where they saw some people from my office and a lovely display of fine domestic automobiles from General Motors. We also did some facepainting (A got a dolphin on her arm and M got a flower on their arm) and some little games. It was fun.

After nap we went to Sarah’s house and had a playdate with Hannah and Andrew. It was raining, so we couldn’t play in their "playground". We did lots of puzzles, though. Then the 6 of us went to dinner at Clyde’s (Potomac Pizza was closed). We ran to the car in the pouring rain, came home, had a bath, and then watched the fireworks on TV in the the living room with the lights off. Daddy came home from work and we all just sat on the couch and watched the show.

M just said to me, "I wish I could be a mommy right now." I told her that the best part of being a mommy was being her mommy. Then she said that she hopes that when she’s a mommy, she has a daughter just like her. I told her she’d be very lucky to have a girl like her for a daughter.

Happy 4th everyone!

1 comment

Anonymous says:

I’m looking forward to the photos you took. M and A must have enjoyed the parade with all that came marching by, the arm painting, and the candy. But the most precious part of this blog is that M would love to someday have a daughter just like her. How sweet and lovely that is.

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