
Tonight was the shower for two women at work. It was at our house. The girls were very excited about it, but best of all, they got to play with Mikey for several hours – he is one of their ALL TIME favorite babysitters. Mikey and Christina came bearing birthday gifts, including a paint-your-own-frame kit and a bracelet kit. He painted frames with the girls in the basement during the party and also made them bracelets with their names on them.

M&A were a hit at the party and went to bed very late. In fact, at press time (11:41 PM) they are still awake. M is complaining of the dreaded nonspecific "tummy ache". I wish I knew how to make her feel better. She’s very tired. A is just wired.

M enjoyed showing off her xray printout.

Mommy is about to fall asleep. Long day! But lots of fun.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Thanks for this interesting blog. M and A are such wonderful little girls, I’m sure everyone enjoys being with them.

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