Thursday Night

I am leaving tomorrow for a weekend in Vegas with Aunt Deb and others for Aunt Darrah’s bachelorette party. Very exciting! The girls know that I am going to a party for Aunt Darrah and they think that the wedding will take place shortly thereafter.

I’ve said it before and will say it again… Those. Girls. Are. So. Cute. Despite the many entreaties after getting in bed, they were just adorable tonight. M drew an amazing picture of a girl, and they both made cards to give to Christina for her birthday (and sang Happy Birthday to her on the phone). Really, really cute.

I will miss them a lot while I am gone. Daddy will do a great job, though.

A’s not eating much these days, which is troubling. But I managed to get half a mini-bagel and cream cheese into her before bed.

Adios until Monday (although I am bringing the laptop so I may still post).


Christina says:

It was the BEST birthday song I have ever had!!! Can’t wait to see the girls on Thursday.

Anonymous says:

I’m sure you will enjoy the bachelorette party for Darrah. Your adorable daughters will want to hear every detail of what went on, so keep a record. Have fun.

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