Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day!

We had a fun family day. We woke Daddy up with some presents and cards. Then it was off to a new dance class, which the girls really enjoyed. Abigail was there, and the new teacher is great. Then we had brunch at the home of another girl from M &A’s class. The girls had a good time and the food was very yummy. Then it was home for nap, and then to a lovely BBQ at Ken and Andrea’s house. Old and New Aidans were there, as well as baby Caleb and some other kids. The girls put their suits on and did a bit of wading.  We had a late night, though, and didn’t get home until almost 9. But it was a lovely warm night and the fireflies were out when we got home. I love these long summer days.

Tomorrow is the first day of camp! I ironed lots of labels into clothes tonight and got the first lunch ready… crackers, bananas, leftover hot dog, yogurt drink, water and mini-chocolate chip cookies.

We gave Daddy a frame with these pictures in it:

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1 comment

Anonymous says:

Lucky Daddy. You have two angels for daughters who love daddy very much. It sounds like you had a great “Father’s Day”, and you deserved it.

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