Friday Morning

We are leaving soon to go to NY for the weekend for Daddy’s law school reunion.

M has lately become very demanding and whiny, and she gets mad at me when I tell her she is being whiny. She doesn’t like when her hair is curly in her pigtails and was very unhappy with me this morning for not being able to straighten her hair. I wonder if this is just a phase, or if she is unhappy because I went out after work two nights this week, which I haven’t done at all in a long time. I am glad to be spending lots of time with her this weekend, and told her over and over again last night how happy I was to be home with her putting her to bed.

Piggy and Bunny just came out of the wash and they are clean and yummy-smelling. They even look pink again!

The girls are very excited for NY. They asked it it was closer than "Carolina". I said yes, but only by a little bit. I think they are going to be bummed at the length of the ride.

Start spreading the news…

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Have fun in New York. M and A will love seeing their grandma and grandpa again. Reunions are fun, so enjoy. My love to all of you.

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