
I have missed a few days of posting lately. I usually post around 10 or 10:30, after the girls have gone to bed, and this week I have had a hard time staying awake to post, which is really unlike me. I fall asleep and then wake up at midnight for a few hours. I fear tonight is headed that direction…

Tonight I came home from work and the girls were wearing their dress-up dresses over their pajamas. M had hers on with Cookie Monster slippers – it was quite the fashion statement.  It was about 8:10 tonight when we decided that the girls would come with me to Sarah’s house to pick up some DVDs for our trip. So we set out, and the girls played a little in Sarah’s backyard. As we left, A said, "I want to come back here again! I like this playground."

A took out a tape measure today and was trying to figure out "how much you weigh, Mommy!" Then she measured M with the tape measure and said, "M! You cost eight dollars!"

I feel like overnight, my toddlers turned into teenagers, especially M. Something about the way she was talking today – she sounded like a teenager. Scary!

We are going to NY tomorrow for the weekend for a short trip. The girls are very excited and have been talking about it a lot.

I am going to fall asleep now…

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Dear Gayle, I hope you feel well. I know you are very tired. After all, it isn’t easy to work and raise two energetic children, take care of all household chores, shopping, etc. Please take good care of yourself. It’s okay to miss a few blogs to get some rest.

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