End-of-the-year Picnic

Today was the end-of-the-year picnic. I was too disorganized this morning to bring my camera and I managed to leave my blackberry in the car, so I couldn’t take any photos. But others did and I will post them when I get copies. There was a moonbounce and ponies and lots of yummy food. The girls also got their faces painted – on their faces, for the first time (they usually get it on their hands). M got a ballerina and A got a monster. A kept going up to parents at the picnic and saying "AAARGGGHHHH! I am a scary monster!"

I think that I am sadder than the girls are that the year has ended. They aren’t Leapfrogs anymore! No more Tamara and Liz! The girls seem to be fine with it. They know that camp starts in a little while. Maybe they don’t quite realize that tomorrow will roll around and they won’t be going to school.

M and A told Imogene this morning that they both dreamed about her last night. They are interested in dreams now, even though I suspect they don’t really remember them.

M is extremely good at jigsaw puzzles. She is very focused and completes them very quickly.

I am amazed by how much the girls seem to have grown just in the last few weeks – intellectually, emotionally. They are so mature and articulate! And they are asking a lot of questions, especially M.


Anonymous says:

M and A will miss school, but they have day camp to look forward to. I am anxious to see the photos you plan to send soon. I’m certain they and you will have a great summer.

Aunt Darrah says:

We can’t wait to see the girls this wknd! I somehow have been thinking recently that Maddie will have a career in fashion.

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