
We’re leaving for the beach tomorrow for a week. Everything is (almost) packed. We’re just hoping for good weather – it’s been chilly and rainy here for weeks and it’s hard to imagine good beach weather at this point!

The girls are excited to go. Many questions about the beach, how long it takes to get there, etc.

Today we went to get the girls’ hair cut. A decided she didn’t want a haircut. She let Paul trim her bangs (though she wasn’t very cooperative) and refused to let him cut the ends. Frustrating.

Buppie came over tonight to help with the girls so I could pack more. She was extremely helpful. She played the piano a lot while A danced, and sang the girls "Let My People Go" while they were in the bathtub. We also enjoyed re-enacting the girls’ latest favorite story from when they were younger, in which A was asking for something in the bathtub, and I couldn’t understand what it was, so I asked M, who said, "a washcloth!" We role-played the story many times tonight, with each of us (M, A, me and Buppie) assuming a different part each time. Lots of laughing.

The girls were helpful today with packing. They like picking out which clothes to bring. M wanted to help me pack my stuff as well, which has resulted in some pretty random clothes in my duffel bag.

Girls only have one more day of school! We’re missing two days next week while we’re at the beach.

I am planning to take a little break from blogging while we’re at the beach. I may post one or two times, but not nightly. I’ll resume regular posting when we get back!

1 comment

Anonymous says:

I hope all of you have a wonderful time at the beach. Here’s hoping the weather cooperates and it’s warm and sunny. I’ll miss your blogs.
Love to all of you,
Aunt Ann

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