Too Tired For Patience

People often tell me that they think I am very patient with the girls. I’d like to think that that is usually the case. Unfortunately, it wasn’t tonight. I am very tired – went to bed too late last night and got up early. Most days I can handle 5 hours of sleep, but today, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I dragged all day today and I was exhausted when I got home. Our night was fine, but I was definitely short on patience. Usually I like when A turns into Izzard the Lizard, but tonight I was just annoyed because I was trying to brush her teeth. M was testy with A tonight (she too was very tired – no nap today), and her constant complaining about A "touching her" bothered me much more than usual.

Thankfully, it was an early night – the girls were down by about 9 and I didn’t hear a peep from them after 9:15 (which is pretty early for them). They were clearly as tired as I am.

Girls: I am sorry for being not such a great mom tonight. I will be back to normal tomorrow.

On the agenda for tomorrow morning: the girls’ four-year checkups. Apparently several shots are involved. I hvae promised them lots of candy to compensate for the shots. I went to Target today and bought a lot of candy for them which I will put in bags to take to the appointment.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Mommy, even with occasional days like this one, you are still the most patient and loving mommy I know. M and A will always love you, no matter what. They are such lucky children to have parents like you and Dan.
Much love,
Aunt Ann

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