Must Start Twittering

I was home today, and the girls did many cute and entertaining things that unfortunately I don’t remember anymore. I should Twitter instead of blogging so that I can track them in real time. (Too bad I have been so dismissive of Twitter.)

So now it’s 10:22 PM and I have hours of work in front of me and I can really only remember a few things:

  • At ballet today, A participated in 99% of the class. I was very proud of her. After class, Miss Eva told me that the girls were progressing very nicely and that I have "two very talented girls".
  • M & A have these old-fashioned tricycles that used to be Daddy’s. They are in the house because it has been raining so much. M has been riding hers all over the downstairs. Today, she asked me to tie two Trader Joe’s balloons to the handlebars and she rode it all around the house. So cute.
  • Tonight, I mentioned the seder we had a few weeks ago. M said, "I love the seder. I wish we could have the seder again. Because I love matzoh balls."
  • The little Zionists are still awake upstairs singing "Am Yisrael Chai!" over and over.

After ballet, we went to Buppie’s house for a while. We all had a good time. A said she wants to eat dinner at Buppie’s house once a week.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

You have two talented, wonderful, sweet, smart, and beautiful daughters. Saying that mommy and daddy must be so proud, is an understatement I’m sure. Everyone has been blessed.

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