Guest Post From Daddy

Here is a guest post from Daddy! Thank you, Daddy!

A few of the memories that stand out in my mind from this jam-packed weekend:

— A drawing a wonderful butterfly with wings, and then with some little things on the bottom that looked like feet.  When A showed it to her, M immediately recognized the likeness of the butterfly, but asked, "Why did you put feet on it?"  Which A answered very sensibly, "Because how could it sit on the branch without toes to hold on?"  Good point.

— M coming into our bedroom as we were changing to go out Sat night, immediately launching into conversation, and then, without skipping a beat, interrupting herself and saying to Mommy, "I like that shirt.  It’s very pretty.  Is it new?"

— Buppie reporting that when the girls went down for bedtime, they suggested to her, "Why don’t we come over and babysit YOU sometime?" She asked, "You mean like a sleepover?"  And they responded, "No, we’ll just come over and tuck you in bed and sing you songs, and then leave."  So cute.

— Despite her unwillingness to dance at Miss Eve’s class last week, A still being in love with ballet, and declaring that she only liked ballet-themed books.  She said she didn’t want to do a particular move in Miss Eve’s class, but after being reminded that she couldn’t grow up to be the Sugar Plum Fairy unless she practiced a lot, she agreed to participate in Miss Eve’s class again this week.  We’ll see.

— A making it through the past few nights with a totally dry pull-up, including waking up one night at 5 am to go to the bathroom.  A break-through.  And she had such a proud smile on her face in the middle of the night.  What a big girl!

— The growing mythology around Jonas, our friend who’s notably tall (about 6’5"), but whom has now grown in their eyes (and at some unfair prompting from us) into super-human status.  They now ask if Jonas is as tall as the top of the orchestra theater, if he can reach the sky, if he’s the same size as Clifford, etc.  Very cute.  But Jonas will sure be surprised next time he visits them and discovers that he’s a virtual legend now.

— Despite the concert being kind of a bust compared to the others, the girls both talked about it a lot afterwards.  M said how "fun" it was to see Abigail’s dad play, and A declared her love of the cello more than other instruments (the only one she wanted to actually try out during the instrument petting zoo).

— M&A remarking on how beautiful the purple flowers in the front yard were that just bloomed in the past few days, and then helping me as we very carefully selected which ones to cut, then cut them (with M using her child scissors), holding them tight as we took them inside, and then arranging them in a bowl.  And then starting to remark on flowers that we already had which were dying, and starting to come to grips with that term, which just tears me apart.

— Both M&A, but particularly M, loving the new birthday scooters, and going around the entire block on them.  One neighbor who hadn’t seen them in a while remarked later that he was shocked at how grown up and beautiful they had become.  And M has also taken to riding the new big red tricycle, brought down from NY by Grandma and Grandpa, letting A "inherit" the smaller green one that M used to insist was hers.  But both were Daddy’s when I was a boy, which I think they really like!

— M having a very grown-up conversation with their friend Addie in the backseat of the car on our way to eating pizza for dinner, telling her, for instance, about a funny book we had read one night at bedtime, and about ballet class.  It was like hearing mini-teenagers discuss their day.

— Both M&A just developing into incredibly sensitive and even sweeter girls, if possible.  A has become very demonstrative in the past few weeks, telling both Mommy and Daddy that we’re the best M/D in the world, coming over for unsolicited hugs/kisses, and wanting to cuddle a lot at night.  M told us several times that she likes the weekends so much because we don’t have to go to work, and wants to go everywhere with us, but she also understands that we like to see all our friends at work.  Sigh.  What loves.  We’re so lucky to have these girls.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Love is so interesting. I thought I could NEVER love another child like I loved my first child. When my second child was born, I felt I could never love another child like I loved my first two children. Then along came my third child and I felt such love for all three of my children. It never stops and never changes. You have two jewels that you will love (and will love you) forever.

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