Pancake Monster

RIght now, the 14 year-old twins who live down the street are over playing with M&A. It is very cute to listen to. They have played several board games, played "Castle" (which is a game A made up where there is a king, a princess, and two ballerinas – you can guess who the ballerinas were), did a jigsaw puzzle art project, and played Duck, Duck, Goose. Mommy and Daddy are having a little computer time.

This morning we met some friends for pancakes pre-Creative Movement class. The pancakes were taking a long time to arrive, and M was getting hungry. I told her that there was a Pancake Monster in the kitchen who sometimes stole the pancakes when no one was looking, and that he might have eaten her pancakes. M&A were very intrigued by the Pancake Monster and wanted to know more about him – does he eat people? does he have sharp teeth? where is he? We looked for him as we were leaving but didn’t see him. We concluded that he was probably hanging out in the trash can so that he could eat the leftover pancakes from people’s plates without being found.

We also went to a family concert at the Kennedy Center this afternoon. This one was for slightly older kids and I don’t think the girls liked it as much as the last one. The final piece was long and an interpretation of the Trojan War, so it was loud at times. We ended up leaving before it was over and watching the rest of it on the monitor outside the theater.

Also this weekend: last gymnastics class of the year; Jessie’s birthday party, complete with moonbounce; scooters on the sidewalk; quick visit from Aliya; and babysitting by Buppie last night.

Here is a photo of A playing the cello at the Instrument Petting Zoo:


PS After coming home from dinner tonight. I received this email from the twins who were so great with M&A (and charged us only $7 an hour to hang out with them):

Thank you so much for having us over to play with the girls. It was really fun and we had a great time.
We hope we can hang out some other time!
Marta and Anna


Anonymous says:

How nice that the “grown up” twins enjoyed played with M and A. The photo of A playing the cello is so cute. Thanks for sharing it.
Give the girls and Buppie a kiss from me.

Gloria says:

I’d never heard of an instrument petting zoo before– what an cool idea. I just picked up the cello again after not playing it throughout college too! That picture is really cute.
Also pretty cool: Marta and Anna also make M&A!

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