Shabbat Sing = Not A Success

Two very proud moments for me at the girls’ school this morning when I went to go to the Shabbat Sing.

  • A, who had been by all reports having a great time before I got there, took one look at me and suddenly decided she didn’t want to sing, she didn’t want to hang out with her friends, the place was too loud, she wanted me to carry her, and she wanted to leave immediately. She fussed and carried on until we finally left 20 minutes later.
  • M’s teacher told me that M had been licking the playground equipment during outdoor play. Wherever there was rain water, M was licking it. Lovely!

The rest of the day, they were wonderful. Tonight A said that Daddy and I are the best Mommy and Daddy in the whole world and that she doesn’t want any other Mommy or Daddy.

Also, M came down to the basement during my guitar lesson to tell me that she loves me.

They are really, really good girls.

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