Happy Birthday M&A!

M&A turned 4 today!!!

Here’s how they spent their fourth birthday:

  • Woke up to Mommy and Daddy singing "Happy Birthday" and taking pictures of them. (Well, that’s not entirely true. M woke up at 6 and asked me to sleep with her, so I squeezed into her tiny bed until 6:45. Later she told me that she only wanted me to cover her.)
  • Went to school early to have breakfast with their teachers and some select friends (Michael, Jessica and Gabe).
  • At snacktime at school, they had cupcakes and everyone sang to them.
  • After school, Imogene took them to Buppie’s for lunch. They had hot dogs and ice cream sandwiches. She also gave them lots of ballet-related gifts – ballet charm bracelets, ballet stickers, fork/knife/spoon with the ballet positions on them, a magnetic ballerina, two small ballerina figurines, ballet stickers, a ballet jigsaw puzzle, and a ballet book with CD.
  • Home for nap.
  • Playground, including playing in the flower sprinkler!
  • Home for dinner.
  • Mommy and Daddy came home for dinner bearing pizza. Imogene stayed for dinner. We then all had cupcakes and the girls blew out their candles.
  • Girls opened lots of cards – from Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron, Grandma Gussie, Mommy and Daddy, Gabe, and the two fourteen year-old twins from down the street! We also have a e-card from Abby that we haven’t looked at yet but we will tomorrow!
  • FINALLY it was time for presents!!!! Here’s the haul: two scooters, dress-up clothes, Knuffle Bunny T-shirt, magnetic calendar, and headbands (Mommy and Daddy); two books (Imogene); book and jigsaw puzzle (Lilah) and cute clothes (Mari).
  • Bath.
  • 2 books.
  • VERY late bedtime.

I haven’t had a chance to upload the photos of waking the girls up this morning. But here are some photos from lunch at Buppie’s house, courtesy of Buppie.

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Gloria says:

Happy belated birthday to the girls!!

Debbie says:

What lucky girls they are, to have you and Dan as parents! Although I haven’t seen them for quite some time, I feel very much a part of their lives, through the M & A blog (which I still read first thing every day), and the photos and videos.
Happy Birthday, M & A!

Anonymous says:

A very happy birthday to M and A. Being four years old is a very special age. It sounds like the girls had a truly wonderful celebration. They deserve it. Tell them I love them and hope to see them one day soon (when Mommy and Daddy visit Seattle).
Lots of love and kisses,
Aunt Ann

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