
My god. What a weekend.

It went like this…

Saturday morning, up early. Instead of gymnastics, we went to the Kennedy Center for a kids’ concert. Harp/violin/sax, couple of stories including the Three Little Pigs. M&A got to bring a stuffed friend with them – M chose Little Hella and A chose a bear. Then it was off to Flower Mart. A couple of moonbounce rides, a few hot dogs, a few turns on the carousel, and then M rode the mini Ferris Wheel with Addie. (A had lunch with me instead).

Home for nap.

Then… a very fun visit at Mikey and Christina’s new house, where Lisa and Lee were, as well as Mikey’s very entertaining brothers. We hung out, Lisa and Christina took the girls to the playground, and Mikey grilled a delicious dinner. What could be better?

Then we went home and Buppie came over to babysit. Daddy and I saw a movie.

Today… another busy day. Early rise so that we could go downtown and run a 5K race with a team from Daddy’s office to raise money to fight brain tumors. Daddy pushed the girls in the stroller and we ran the whole way. A kept saying, "I’m getting a lot of good exercise!" Then we raced back uptown to get the girls to ballet.

Then Daddy took the girls to get the car washed when I went to the supermarket.

Home for nap.

Then… off to a garden party at the beautiful home of our friend Melissa’s parents. As we were leaving, A said, "That was not a good party." So we took them to dinner at a restaurant… came home… baths… Skype with Grandma and Grandpa, book, and bed. I say "book" because M decided she was ready for bed and too tired to read books. By the time Daddy finished reading to A, M was asleep.

One highlight from today: there was face-painting at the garden party. The girls don’t like having their faces painted, but they do like getting their hands painted. So here’s what they got:

M (ice cream cone and rainbow):


A (ice cream cone):


This weekend was so busy that the girls didn’t have any downtime at home. That may not be ideal. Yesterday M said she wanted to do some drawing, and we didn’t even have time for that. Is that a good thing?

Here are some cute photos of the girls that we took for the cover of their birthday CD, and one of Daddy and the girls at the garden party.

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1 comment

Anonymous says:

All of you must be exhausted after such a busy weekend. Love M’s ponytail. Both M and A look beatiful in their colorful garden party clothing. The girls would make beautiful “calendar girls”. They are so lovely.

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