Sunday Night

Weekend report.

Yesterday, I had a work retreat and missed gymnastics and lunch. But luckily, I got out in time to take M&A to see Tuvana and Aliya. We also got to meet baby Anil! We went to the playground and had dinner at Tuvana’s parents house. It was a lot of fun and on our way home, M said, "Can we go back there again tomorrow?" We wish they lived closer.

Today, A woke up feeling sick, and she threw up a few times today. Poor pup. She missed ballet and stayed inside the whole day, sleeping and lazing around and watching TV. She barely ate anything all day, until Daddy came home with ginger ale and graham crackers, and she finally ate a little bit.

Buppie came over tonight to cheer up A. She stayed to help with bath, which was very much appreciated!

Girls are asleep now, and we’re hoping A will sleep through without throwing up. I don’t think she’ll go to school tomorrow.

Today, in the bath, M was talking about how old Buppie is. She said, "I know. Buppie, you’re 12, right?" We said, well, no. M said, "OK, then you’re 11?" Then she said she knows how old Imogene is. How old?, we asked. She said, "She’s 10!"

We went through the closet tonight and put away a lot of clothes for "baby Olivia." The girls seem to have a much easier time parting with clothes when they know they are going to Olivia.

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