Unreliable Witnesses

Today was picture day at school today. Here are the outfits the girls chose:

Pictureday1 Pictureday2

The girls told me today that their music teacher, Sally, wasn’t there today. In her place was a different teacher. She:

  • is named Bed
  • has white hair that is not a wig, like a clown
  • is "this tall" (about one foot)
  • is older than Buppie

A also "called someone" on the phone tonight. She had a whole conversation with an imaginary person at the other end of the phone, and at one point, said,"Hold on. Let me put you on speakerphone." She also told the person that she was "just hanging out."

Our friend Nancy, who talked to M at the seder, reported this back to us:

M told me that she was very excited about your new TV which replaced what she called “the old square TV.”  She said the new flat TV was in the “shape of a triangle,” which she liked much more than the square one.

The girls are very competitive these days about being first – first to go down the stairs, first to have their picture taken, first to get in the car. It can get a little tiresome.

Slightly worrisome: A’s teachers told us that she doesn’t eat snack at school anymore, even when it’s something as good as cupcakes. But she has been eating good lunches, so maybe she’s just being a disciplined eater!

Special thanks to new subscriber Gloria for her technical help with the blog today!

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