More Funny Stories

Some more funny things.

Before going to seder at Nana and Grampy’s on Sunday night, I was trying to get M dressed. She picked this very cute tunic-y shirt that is too short to wear as a dress. I wanted her to wear it over black pants, but she wanted to wear green pants. I told her the green pants were OK but I implored her to try on the black pants. After some protesting, she finally sighed, picked up the blank pants and said, "WHAT-EVER."

At dinner tonight, A pretended that she was a dog. She crawled around on all fours, then she jumped up and ate food off of M’s plate without using her hands – like a dog eating from a bowl. She also went up to Allie and pretended to bark at her, and Allie scratched her!

Tonight, A drew this VERY impressive picture of a little girl in a polka dot skirt. M drew a very colorful rainbow.

Girl Rainbow

Finally, the girls set up a birthday party tonight for one of A’s stuffed dogs. They took Turtleneck, draped Piggy over it, and set it on the table and said it was the cake. Then they put their blankets on the table as tablecloths, and we put candles on the "cake" and a "Happy Birthday" crown on the dog. They brought shoes AND boots over because, says A, they wanted to be prepared for any kind of weather. Here are some photos:

Dogparty1 Dogparty2

1 comment

Anonymous says:

M and A have such wonderful imaginations, and they are so artistic!
Thank you for the darling photos.

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