SAHM Friday

Imogene had today off so I was a SAHM.

I picked the girls up from school after going to the Shabbat Sing. (The cutest part of the Sing is when they sing Shabbat Shalom – they start out quiet, all crouched on the floor like turtles, and when Sally starts singing "Shabbat Shalom," they all stand up and start screaming). After Sing, M wanted to tell Sally that we are going to the circus this weekend.

After a meandering walk home from school, we had lunch and went down for a nap. (Them, not me.) After nap, it was Errand Central. First, haircuts from Paul. The girls insisted both on sitting on my lap and not using a cape, so we all ended up with lots of hair on us. Then to the plant store to buy some annuals for the front yard. M wanted a plant for their (very shady) bedroom, one that would have "lots of flowers", so after consulting with a salesperson we settled on one that will undoubtedly be shriveled and flowerless in a few weeks.

Then it was off to buy sandals. Today was really a testament to how far A has come in the last few months. The last time we were there, she refused to have her feet measured; she had several tantrums; and she would only buy the same shoes M picked out. Today, she was a dream. No tears, full cooperation. She and M both got new sandals (pink for M and white for A) and M got new sneakers, as her old ones were too small and she had taken to wearing A’s. $135 for three pairs of kids’ shoes. My god.

After the sandals, we did something that I swore we wouldn’t do until the girls were older. I needed a manicure, and the easiest way to get one was to get ones for the girls too. So… there they were, in the salon, getting manis. They didn’t even sit with me! They looked like such grown-ups. M chose purple and pink, one color for each hand, and A chose blue for both hands. I have to figure out how to ensure that this becomes a "special occasion only" activity. 

Then home to make dinner. I am beat. That all happened between 3:30 and 7:00.

Tomorrow: gymnastics and a birthday party. The present is wrapped – it’s a board game of "Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See."


1 comment

Anonymous says:

Today’s blog was wonderfully newsy. I can just picture the girls and their mom with all the nails polished. How cute. Hope they enjoy their new shoes.

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