Sleepy Girls

The first day back from a trip is always tough, because I have been with the girls all day for a while, and I miss them more than usual when I go to work.

Today, ballet class with Miss Eva resumed. M & A wore their tutu dresses and got to show off their improved skipping.

I could tell they were tired when I got home from work, especially because A was uncharacteristically (well, recently, anyway) cranky.

M is a great helper – loves to sort laundry, load the washer, and put in detergent. She also likes to help put away groceries.

Tonight, we watched a little TV, and I noticed M squinting at the TV. I was wondering if she was having trouble seeing. I asked her to tell me what one of the characters was wearing on his eyes (blue sunglasses). I said, "M, what is Charlie wearing?" She said, "That is not Charlie." "Ok," I said, "then what is Marv wearing?" She said, "That is not Marv!"  I said, "Well, what is that boy wearing?" She said, "That is Marv’s brother, and he is wearing blue sunglasses!" I am not worrried anymore.

Back to school tomorrow – finally!

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Good job testing M’s eyesight. That’s a cute way to do it. The girls are now back to their regular schedule, which is good for them, but can be tiring for you. You’re a great mommy.

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