Back Home to the Washington Monument

We are back home from our trip.

Unfortunately, the weather didn’t really clear up today. We had a chance to walk around and see what we were missing – a playground, a kiddie pool, the beach (!), a moonbounce on the beach (!!)… so many things we could have done if the weather had been nicer. Oh well. It was a fluke. At least we got some sunny days in the beginning of the trip, and at least we got two days of indoor swimming in.

Today, we walked around the hotel and the beach, went swimming, and then packed up everything and had lunch in the hotel. (Lunch consisted of PB&J sandwiches that I made from the breakfast buffet, which served three of the four of us. I told Daddy that I felt like we were camping at the Ritz.) Then we walked around the historic part of Amelia Island for a little while, and headed to the airport. The girls didn’t get a nap but they were great travelers nonetheles. M loves to pull her wheelie bag all over the airport and wouldn’t let us carry it. A did *great* going through security – she went by herself this time and proclaimed that she wanted to do it "all day long". They were just very easy and fun to be with all day today.

A few memorable things that I wrote down today:

  • At one of the restaurants, M said she wanted to sit in the "caboose" the next time we ate there. It took me a moment to figure out that she meant a "booth".
  • M also called the sand dunes the "sand goose."
  • It’s funny to see where their minds go. Today, we went for a walk on the beach, and out of the blue, M said, "I don’t like Donald Duck’s voice."… then she started talking about library books that I returned a few weeks ago (how does she remember all of them"?)… and then she proclaimed that she doesn’t like moon bounces because kids jump on her sometimes.
  • Someone gave A a chocolate chip cookie and she talked/sang about it for about three continuous hours afterwards… singing "chocolate chip cookie" and discussing when she was going to eat it.
  • A calls Washington "Washington Monument" as in, "When we get back to Washington Monument, what day will it be?"

It’s good to be home. Buppie met us at home and read to the girls and got them in their PJs so we could unpack – very helpful!

Not a peep since the girls went down – they must have been very very tired.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

This Florida trip really kept all of you very busy, but you had fun.
It’s always good to get home — sweet home. Your girls are wonderful and so clever. Give them a big hug from me.

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