I Didn’t Do It

When I got home from work tonight, M came over to me with one of her tutus in her hand. She showed me some strange crusty holes on the tutu and said, "Look Mommy." I asked her what happened, and she said she didn’t do it. "Really?", I asked. She thought about it, and then said, "Well, it just happened. I didn’t do it." That seemed odd to me. "M? What really happened?’ She just shrugged. Then Imogene stepped in and told M how important it was to tell the truth. M said, "Well, some Silly Putty got on it. Just wash it, OK?" I said, "Maddie, did you put the Silly Putty on the tutu?" She nodded gravely. I told her it was OK and that she should always tell the truth and that no one was mad.

We are packing for our upcoming trip to Florida. I told the girls that they should pick out a bunch of floppy books – not hard books – because they are lighter to carry. They had a good time figuring out which were softcover and which were hardback.

Lots to pack and do before we leave on Thursday for Florida.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

I loved the way you handled M and the truth. I hope all of you have an extraordinary time in Florida. What a wonderful place for a vacation.

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