Pancakes and Frogs and Bikes and Pizza

When we got home from dinner tonight, M looked at me, sighed, and said, "I’ve had a long day."

She’s right. First, the girls woke up early (7:50). Then it was upstairs to wake up Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron. Then they helped Daddy make pancakes for everyone.

Then it was off to National Geographic to see a frog exhibit. It was a good show with many live frogs… all sizes and colors. A was particularly fascinated by a video showing how frogs catch insects, mice and worms. M didn’t like the video much at all. The girls brought a lot of animals/friends in the car to the show – Baby and Gingie for M and Madeline and Elmo for A – but I persuaded them not to bring the animals/friends INTO the show because the frogs might want to eat them.

After the exhibit, we came home for lunch and nap. Then Daddy took the girls biking with Ron and Dina (I went for a nice walk with my iPod). Then we went for pizza at Billy’s house. The girls enjoyed playing with Billy’s dog Zooey, looking for Billy’s bed, and finding some cool toys. (Why does Billy have Mr. Potato Head?).

A few funny comments from M: she told Daddy not to drive too fast on the way to the frog exhibit because she didn’t want her barrettes to fall out. Also, before snuggling tonight, she told Daddy to lie on top of her, instead of next to her, because she didn’t want him to mess up her bed.

Here are some photos of the girls with Ron and Dina outside National Geographic and at the exhibit, as well as some photos from earlier this week when they were in the Purim Parade at school.





Dina says:

All these photos are great! Thank you so much for including the pictures at the museum. Other memorable events from today: watching M&A slide down a double slide hand-in-hand! Really adorable! Also, seeing both speed along on their tricycles, park them, use the monkey bars and slides, then hop back on the tricycles to the next set of equipment, and repeat the above! It also was fun to see them watch a 5-year old boy on the monkey bars and then replicate what they saw him do! And, their vocabularies!!! Unbelievable for 3-year olds! Are we biased, or what??

Abby says:

toooooooooooooooo cute. i love 3 year old logic, it’s so refreshing!

Anonymous says:

Grandma Dina and Grampa Ron are so lucky to be able to spend time with M and A. Buppie too. Wish I could hug and kiss those adorable girls who are just too cute and clever for their age.

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