Happy Purim

Tonight I came home early from work to take the girls to Purim dinner and the megillah reading at the temple. It was… ok. The dinner was too crowded and we sat on the floor. A ate a hot dog and a hot dog bun (sequentially, not simultaneously). M ate… nothing. Then they each had a Hershey Kiss and a large Tootsie Roll. The dinner was loud and crowded. There was a girl walking around on stilts, which absolutely fascinated the girls. We also saw Ale (a girl from their class) and (old) Aidan.

The megillah reading was bizarre. (I guess it’s the price you pay for going to a pretty liberal synangogue). The first part was some odd campaign-style skit, with the main rabbi dressed as a woman, and two women – Mordechia and Hamana – running for office. (Plus a very weird opening video). Then they did a Purim parade so all the kids who were dressed up could walk around. Then they finally started reading the megillah, and the girls had had enough (thank god) and wanted to go home.

On the way home, M said, "That wasn’t very fun."

We played a long game over bath – "Which do you like better?" I ask them things like, "Which do you like better, apples or pears?" and they answer. I asked a few pointed ones – which teacher they like better, whose car they like better (mine or Daddy’s), which friend they like better. Very often the answer is "Both!", which is always cute.

It’s funny when the girls sing my nonsense songs back to me… like "Allie-the-Allie, she’s my Allie the dog." Tonight A sang, "Izzard the Lizard, she’s my Izzard the Liz."

I picked up a bunch of hamentaschen tonight. A said, "There are poppy and papercut ones." It wasn’t until Daddy told me later that I realized she meant "apricot."

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Too bad Purim wasn’t more fun for the girls. But they do play fun games and seem so happy. You’re doing a great job, Mommy and Daddy.

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