Just Ducky

A is into ducks today. This morning, we sang the song about the ducks who went out with their mommy, "over the hills and far away." Then A started playing with a mommy duck and baby duck that are actually bath toys (the baby duck is connected to the mommy duck). Then we had to dig out their old book Five Little Ducks so that A could read it again.

Then A put the mommy and baby duck into little bowls and called them "duck floats". Finally she named the ducks – and this is the best part. The mommy duck is named "Mother Goose" and the baby duck is named "Actually".

I think those are excellent duck names.

Tonight, we made cupcakes for Imogene’s birthday, which is on Saturday. M ate lots and lots and lots of batter and frosting.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Gayle: could you be my mommy too??
Love, Debbie

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