The Pre-Bedtime Game

The pre-bedtime game that we started a few nights ago has taken on a life of its own. Now, every night before bed, we play the "It’s too bad that… _______ happened today," where _______ is something that didn’t happen. The girls have gotten really into it. Tonight, M said, "It’s too bad that we took a bath in tomato sauce." And "It’s too bad that our teachers turned into a giant cupcake at school." And "It’s too bad that all of your books are in my room." I offered one that M really liked, "It’s too bad that all of the green peppers in the refrigerator got up while you were at school and had a big party." M laughed and said, "Good one, Mommy."

The last few days, our evening activities have a had a soundtrack to them: the hold music at the 800-number at PetsHealthCare. I got a letter saying that our pet insurance for Alliedog was going to be canceled because I hadn’t paid the premium. (I had.)  So for three nights I have been trying to get someone on the phone who could clear this up.  We’ve spent a lot of time with the phone on speaker, listening to the hold music. We have had several discussions about why no one was answering the phone. A said, "I think they’re talking to other people. And they are working on the computer. Maybe when they are done talking to other people, they will talk to you." And you know what? She was right.

I read a great blog post on mommyblogging and why women bother to do it. Thought I’d share it here: