Super Bowl Sunday

We watched a little bit of the Super Bowl tonight. At first, M said that she wanted to play football when she was 10. Then, after there was an injury in the game, she decided she didn’t want to play football. She said she’d rather do ballet. Then M & A decided that ballet was prettier than football.

At ballet class this morning, A finally relented and wore a leotard with a little pull-on skirt instead of her tutu dress. Whew.

On Friday, I bought Candy Land and another bored board game called Snail’s Pace Race. We’ve played them both a few times. It’s been interesting to watch them, especially A, play these games, as they are learning how to follow rules, which is something that A has had trouble with in the past with other games.

We made cookies tonight. I gave M & A each two white chocolate chips and two dark chocolate chips. A ate each chip slowly, and came back to me each time to show me which she had eaten. Meanwhile, M ate her four chips instantly and then started in on the spoon and the rest of the dough. Very typical of how they eat their treats!

Good moods all around today.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

I can just picture M and A with their treats. So cute.

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