
When I got home tonight, I presented the girls with two new toothbrushes – one red and one blue. I asked who wanted which one. M said, "Which one do you want me to have?" (Awwww.) A said, "I want the red one!" I asked M if she would take the blue one and she said, "Sure." I said, "Why are you guys the best and sweetest girls in the world?" A said, "We’re the best and sweetest girls in the world because I am skinny."

A’s post-sundown tantrum count: 4. (I was only home for 3 of them; time to give Imogene a raise.)

Books tonight: The Seven Silly Eaters, Knuffle Bunny Too and T. Rex Trick or Treat.  M has been letting me pick out her book each night; I take this responsibility seriously and try to pick books that she’ll really enjoy. Tonight was Seven Silly Eaters.

Tonight M asked if we should switch bookshelves – put her books on mine and mine on hers. I didn’t have the heart to tell her how sad that would make me to lose my books to another room. I told her that someday she and I would be reading the same books.

A asked me tonight if I like being a grownup. I said yes, and that I love being her mommy. She said she wants to be a grownup. I said, "That’s ok, but don’t rush through being a kid, because that can be fun too."

1 comment

Anonymous says:

There’s something so wonderful about you with the girls. I love the story about the books.

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