
Today M said some really cute things. First, she told me that when she is a mommy, she wants to be just like me, because I am the best mommy. (Awwwww!). Second, I’ve been asking her lately not to demand things from me ("Get me ketchup, Mommy!" "Pick that up, Mommy!") because we are friends and we care about each other, and one does not demand things but instead asks nicely.  Tonight, she corrected herself a few times after demanding things, and said, "Mommy, I am not going to order you around, because you are my best friend."

The girls’ tutu dresses came! They are just adorable.

Here are some photos from my Treo, so excuse the quality:
Tutu1 Tutu2

1 comment

Anonymous says:

You’re right! M and A look adorable in their tutus.

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