Survival of the Fittest 101

Daddy got the girls a subscription to National Geographic Kids magazine for Hanukkah, and the first issue arrived today. So exciting – their first magazine ever! Their mommy is a magazine addict, so it was a proud moment for me.

Anyway, we read it cover to cover tonight, and they said some funny things.

1) There was a picture of a shark with very sharp teeth. M asked me if sharks eat people, and I said yes. A asked me if sharks eat fish, and I said yes. She said, "Does that make the fish sad when the sharks eat them?" I said, well, they don’t really have time to get sad. She said, "Do they cry? I don’t think I’d like to hear the fish crying." How does one explain Darwinism to a 3 1/2 year old?

2) M said that when she goes to the ocean, she isn’t going to eat any of the animals in the ocean.

3) We saw a photo of a large rhino. I asked if they remembered seeing a rhino pooping when we were in Florida, and how smelly it was. M said, "Oh my goodness, yes. It was smelly!"

4) There was a story about a bird who found a bowl of chocolate eggs and then sat on them as if they were its own. A asked if the bird was sad about the eggs. She asks that a lot – are the animals sad?

One more day before the girls FINALLY go back to school! It’s very cold here so they may be inside again tomorrow.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Such a great blog. The girls ask such intelligent questions. They are such exceptional children. (It runs in the family!)

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